Nalini Devi Women's College of Teacher Education

Ms. Meena Samad

  • Group:Teaching

Ms. Meena Samad

Name Ms.Meena Samad
Designation Assistant Professor (Teacher Education)  in Educational Studies
Contact number 8249069746
Specialization Learning and Teaching, Knowledge and Curriculum , Critical Understanding of ICT, Understanding selfppp
Experience in Years 2yrs in govt service
Date of Joining in the Institute 01.03.2023
Publication Details in Journals nil
Publication Details in Books  nil
Publication Details in Chapter in Edited Books Total number of Publication: 01


  • samad, M. (2023). Empowerment of Transgender Youths. In B.C. Swain (Ed.), Socio-Emotional And Educational Problems Of Transgender Persons in India(1st ed, pp177-181 no) Kunal Books.
Awards Honours Name of the Award- Nil
Conference presentation nil
Research Project
Research Guidance     –
Member in Academic/ Research/Administrative Committees / BoS     –
Any Other     –