Nalini Devi Women's College of Teacher Education

Dr. Padmalaya Nath

  • Group:Teaching

Dr. Padmalaya Nath

Designation Assistant Professor Teacher Education in Educational Studies
Contact number 9937404955/9937404955
Specialization Teacher Education and Educational Measurement and Evaluation
Experience in Years
  1. Teaching Experience in UG and PG level : less than 1 yr
    1. In Higher Secondary level : 5 Yrs
    2. In elementary level : 12 yrs
Date of Joining in the Institute 21.02.2023
Publication Details in Journals
  1. Nath,P. & Panda,B.N.(2012). Multi Disciplinary versus Interdisciplinary Approach of teaching Environmental Education at Secondary Stage. Anweshan,Journal of Education, ISSN 2249-3794,Vol.I No.2 & Vol.II No-1 ,2012, page -187-191.
  2. Nath,P. & Swain,N.(2016). Ascertaining the Learning Level of School Children at Elementary Stage : A Study. Desh Vikash, ISSN 2394-1782, Vol.3 Issue-3, 2016,Page-133-140.
  3. Nath,P. & Pujapanda,B. ( 2016). Bringing About Improvement in the Learning Achievement of the Students of Rural primary Schools: A Study .  Desh Vikash, ISSN 2394-1782, Vol.3 Issue-3, 2016,Page-173-182.


Publication Details in Books  Total number of Publication: 00
Publication Details in Chapter in Edited Books Total number of Publication: 00
Awards/ Honours  

Sl. No. Date   Award Name Level (state/ national/international) Name of Awarding organisation
01 05.09.2017 Nation Builder Award State Rotary India Literacy Mission
05.09.2019 Guru Gourav samman-2019 state United Teachers Association(UTA),Odisha
Seminar/Conference presentation/ acted as resource person  

  1. Nath,P.( 2023.10.18). Impact of Continuous Professional Development( CPD) on Newly Recruited Teacher Educatorsat NDWCTE,Bhubaneswar: An Analysis . National Conference on National Education Policy- 2020 and teacher Education ( Hybrid Mode ) Radhanath IASE, Cuttack , Odisha in Collaboration with Council for Educational Administration and Management , CEAM Odisha Chapter.
Research Project Total Number of Projects: 00
Research Guidance Total Number of Research Guidance: 03(  MA in Education)

Sl.No  Name of the Student Year

01 Suprava Behera 2020-22

02 Debiprasad Behera 2023-25

03 Giribala Dhal           2023-25

Member in Academic/ Research/Administrative Committees/ BoS Member in 04 different committees of this college

-Purchase Committee

-Admission Committee

-Research Advisory Committee

-Internal Compliant Committee

Any Other