Nalini Devi Women's College of Teacher Education

Ms. Gopanamni Pradhan

  • Group:Teaching

Ms. Gopanamni Pradhan

Name Mrs. Gopanamni Pradhan
Designation Assistant Professor (Teacher Education)  in Botany
Contact number 8895338095
Specialization Educational Measurement and Evaluation , Science Education
Experience in Years Ten (10) years
Date of Joining in the Institute 04.07.2022
Publication Details in Journals Total number of Publication: 01

  1. Pradhan, G. (2023). A study on Problems of Women in Rural India. Satraachee Peer Reviewed Research Journal, 28(40), 414-418.
Publication Details in Books  Total number of Publication: 00
Publication Details in Chapter in Edited Books Total number of Publication: 03

    1. Pradhan, G. (2022). Impact of Social Media on Mental Health of Adolescents. In B.C. Swain (Ed.), Social Media- Usage and Impact (1st ed., pp. 389-394). Kunal Books.
    2. Pradhan, G. (2023). Policies and Programmes for Education of Scheduled Tribes in Odisha- An Overview. In B.C. Swain (Ed.), Education of Scheduled Tribes (1st ed., pp. 118-124) Kunal Books.
  • Pradhan, G. (2023). Government Policies and Programmes for the Welfare of Transgender Persons in India: Issues and Challenges. In B.C. Swain (Ed.), Social and Educational Issues of LGBTQ Community in India (1st ed.,pp 244-253) Kunal Books.
Awards Honours Name of the Award- Nil
Conference presentation Total Conference: 01

  1. Pradhan, G. (2023.08.17). A study on Problems of Women in Rural India [International E- Conference by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar College of Arts, Commerce and Science]. Multi-Disciplinary One Day International E-Coference. Bramhapuri, Maharashtra, India.
Research Project
Research Guidance     –
Member in Academic/ Research/Administrative Committees / BoS     –
Any Other     –