Name | Ms. Bhabani Senapati |
Designation | Assistant Professor (Teacher Education in Economics) |
Email | |
Contact number | 9337068619/8903557675 |
Specialization | Inclusive Education, Teacher Education, Technology in Education, Gender studies |
Experience in Years | Four (04) years |
Date of Joining in the Institute | 26.07.2022 |
Publication Details in Journals | - Senapati, B., & Beura K. M. (2017). Exploring the understanding of the concept of sexual harassment among students of higher education institutes. Global Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2(1), 1-10.
- Senapati, B. (2021). Encourage, support and act: bystander intervention, a solution to combat sexual harassment. Global Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science & English Language, 10(49), 12088-12097.
- Senapati, B. (2022). Encourage, support and act: bystander intervention, a solution to combat sexual harassment. International Journal of Social Sciences, 10(04), 361-367. DOI: 10.46852/2249-6637.04.2021.10.
Publication Details in Books | |
Publication Details in Chapter in Edited Books | - Senapati, B. (2018). Flipped classroom in Indian context: A critical analysis. In Prof. Nityananda Pradhan & Dr. Saurav Kumar (Ed.), Innovative practices in Teacher Education: Theory and Research (1st ed., pp.53-61). Regional Institute of Education (NCERT), Bhopal, M.P. India.
- Senapati, B. (2018). International United Nations agencies; UNICEF, UNESCO, WHO, IBE and their role in Secondary Education. In Dr. K. Chellamani (Ed.), Secondary and Higher Secondary Education in India: System, structures and status in Secondary Education (1st ed. pp.110-121. Neelkamal Publication.
- Senapati, B. (2019). Exploring the understanding of the concept of sexual harassment among students of teacher education institutes. In Sushanta Kumar Roul & Pramod Bhatnagar (Ed.). Indian education system Emerging tren8ds and related issues (1st ed. pp.129-135. Adhyayan publishers and distributors, New Delhi, India.
Awards Honours | Nil |
Seminar/Conference presentation/ acted as resource person | -
- Senapati, B., & I.P. Gowramma (September 26-27, 2023). Reaction anticipation guide: a tool for assessment as learning. National conference on Transforming assessment for holistic development of students. Regional Institute of Education, NCERT, Bhubaneswar.
- Senapati, B. (December 03-05, 2022). A reflective paper on Co-creation programme, using arts & design thinking and to facilitate students to co-create a beautiful campus. Youth Social Innovation Conference. Srusthi Degree College, Bangalore.
- Senapati, B., & I.P. Gowramma (February 24-26, 2022). Teachers as change agents: Multi-case analysis of Teacher Educators’ incidental responses to sexual harassment NEP 2020. National conference on NEP 2020: Towards Transforming Teacher Education. Regional Institute of Education, NCERT, Bhubaneswar.
- Senapati, B. (November 2-3, 2020). Exclusion of Vulnerable in inclusive education: Sexual Harassment. National Webinar on recent trends in inclusive education. School of Education, Central University of Kerala.
- Senapati, B. (November 24-26, 2020). The impact of using cooperative instructional strategy on achievement of social science and retention of learning among eighth standard students. National Seminar on emerging trends and issues in learners’ assessment at school level. Regional Institute of Education, NCERT, Bhopal.
- Senapati, B. (February 26-28, 2020). The academic leadership style and management of secondary school heads. National Conference on School leadership Practices-2020. Department of Teacher Education, NCERT, New Delhi.
- Senapati, B. (January 27-28, 2020). Sexual harassment in teacher education institutions: an exploration. IATE National Seminar on Education for social inclusion, sustainable development and empowerment, School of Education, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha.
- Senapati, B. (January16-17, 2020). Career maturity of secondary school tribal students of Balangir district. International Seminar on Dynamics of higher education in promotion of twenty first century learning skills. Baba Bhairabananda autonomous Mahavidyalaya, Chandikhole Campus, Jajpur, Odisha.
- Senapati, B. (June 16, 2018). Exploring the understanding of the concept sexual harassment among students of higher educational institutes. International seminar on Protection of Women and children rights: issues and challenges. Law Matra, Maharastra Law University, Nagpur, International Council of Jurists, London, Indian Law Institute, New Delhi.
- Senapati, B. (January18-20, 2018). Flipped classroom in Indian context: a critical analysis. National Seminar on innovative practices in teacher education: theory and research. Regional Institute of Education, NCERT, Bhopal.
Research Project | Nil |
Research Guidance | Nil |
Member in Academic/ Research/Administrative Committees / BoS | Nil |
Any Other | Nil |