Nalini Devi Women's College of Teacher Education

Ms. Sasmitarani Pradhan

  • Group:Teaching

Ms. Sasmitarani Pradhan

Name Ms. Sasmitarani Pradhan
Designation Assistant Professor Teacher Education in History
Contact number 9437781955
Specialization Education measurement and Evaluation
Experience in Years Seven (07) years in Govt. Service
Date of Joining in the Institute 26.07.2022
Publication Details in Journals Total number of Publication: 01

  1. Pradhan, S., (2022).Role of Education for Empowerment of Tribal women in Kandhamal District. International journal of multidisciplinary Educational Research, Vol.11.
Publication Details in Books 
Publication Details in Chapter in Edited Books Total number of Publication: 03

    1. Panda, M., Digal, A., Pradhan. S, (2016). Inclusive Education for CWSN and SSA,In J.Mete,G.Kaur,S.Bhan (Ed.),pp.1-08). APH  Publishing corporation Ansari Road New Delhi
  •  Pradhan. S,(2020) Initiatives in Empowerment of Tribal Women

Role of information Communication Technology (ICT), pp.155-170. Swarnajali Publisher

3.Mohanty,L.,Pradhan, S.,(2023).Welfare Schemes for Transgender Persons in India. In B.C Swain (Ed.), Socio-Emotional And Educational Problems of Transgender Persons in India 1st ed.,, pp.188-194). Kunal Books.

Awards Honours Nil
Seminar/Conference presentation/ acted as resource person Total Number Seminar/conference/Workshop: 02

1. Pradhan S.  (24 March 2019).National seminar on Development and Tribal women of Odisha-An Analytical Perspective ,Boudh College

2. Pradhan S. (6 April 2023). Challenging issues of Tribal Women Education in India vis-à-vis Teacher Education, Sambalpur University.

Research Project
Research Guidance
Member in Academic/ Research/Administrative Committees / BoS
Any Other